電阻式觸控面板是由兩層具有導電性質的材料結合(ITO Indium Tin Oxide 或者是ATO Antimony Tin Oxide )中間以絕緣Dots隔開,經由上下兩層互相接觸,產生類比壓降訊號,藉由線路輸出,再經過控制器轉換成數位訊號,最後由電腦計算出觸控的正確位置。 Description IDC-6681 is an 8-bit high performance RISC architecture microcontroller with USB interface. There are built-in 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital (ADC) converter and low on-resistance drivers for 5-wire resistive touch screens. IDC-6681 contains all the analog and digital circuitry necessary to complete a pen request. IDC-6681 is provided in a 32-lead LQFP package.如需更進一步資料,歡迎您來電或來信詢問。